Month: May 2022

Release : Unsub & n0isemakeR on Future Stars Vol. 3 [Korsakov]
Something a bit different for us; we decided to release a song with Korsakov since Elmar has been a good friend of ours for a while. Pretty proud of this song, as you can imagine being our label title track, and it was mastered by none other than the legendary […]

Interview: The Girls in Print
So we recently did an interview with Jordan Dunn of Ara Magazine (print magazine based in CHCH, New Zealand). They sent up a few copies so we’ve added the scans here so people can have a catch up on what we’ve been upto on a personal level since the UKF […]

Introducing : Stories
One of the new things you may have noticed in the changed menu layout is our introduction of “Media”, specifically the section named “Stories“. This is part of developing our ongoing narratives and world building. Our first entry, The Iris Terminal, is a story by Lily and Alice, written by […]

Short Story : The Iris Terminal
Written by Alexis K.