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Face Invada featured on Sofles | Secret Writer 5

PHDM | December 8, 2021

As some of you may or may not know, many of our artists are involved in more than one type of art. Resident QZR label boss, J. Augustus and Aussie badman Face Invada are both talented graffiti artists on different sides of the world. If you know anything about the scene you’ll have heard of legendary artist Sofles, if not check out his amazing work here. It just so happens that our boy Face Invada‘s new song with Joe Snow called “Nuck Chorris” (Out tomorrow on Uncomfortable Beats) was the feature track on Sofles | Secret Writer 5 video. Big ups to Sofles, Joel (Face Invada), Joe Snow and our aussie mates Uncomfortable Beats. Check out the video below…

Grab the new release tomorrow and check out Uncomfortable Beats

Written by PHDM


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    PHDM Radio
    Pure Heart Dirty Mind

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. PTSD
    Unsub, n0isemakeR, Tinkerb9L

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    02. PTSD VIP
    Unsub, n0isemakeR, Tinkerb9L

  • cover play_circle_filled

    03. PTSD (Face Invada)
    Unsub, n0isemakeR, Tinkerb9L, Face Invada

  • cover play_circle_filled

    04. PTSD (Getafix)
    Unsub, n0isemakeR, Tinkerb9L, Getafix

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    05. PTSD (Johnny Mystic)
    Unsub, n0isemakeR, Tinkerb9L, Johnny Mystic

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    06. PTSD (Wickid)
    Unsub, n0isemakeR, Tinkerb9L, Wickid

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    07. PTSD (Instrumental)
    Unsub, n0isemakeR, Tinkerb9L,

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